Fallen From Grace: A Useful Idiot.

Rehema charted her path with clarity and purpose. Unafraid to voice her aspirations, she actively pursued her goals. She confidently communicated the principles and standards she expected her future husband to uphold, ensuring that her expectations were well known.
In the prime of her youth, she commanded the space around her with an elegance that dazzled. It was a gracious gift to us mere mortals to bask in her presence, a rare privilege to engage with one so distinguished. Why, then, did she feel the need to remind us that mere men like ourselves could never hope to align with the lofty principles and standards she set? She seemed to deftly set a boundary, effortlessly elevating herself beyond our reach.
Rehema had a way with words, always ready to gently remind us that our hearts’ desires were better left unspoken. A clever and discerning woman, she knew well what we, the hopeful, sought from her. With her beauty perfectly accentuated, every curve and contour spoke to the artist’s touch. Who among us could resist her allure? Yet, while the world seemed to play a game of pursuit, Rehema held fast to her principles. For her, love was not a mere prelude to intimacy but a profound connection that spoke long before any clothes could be shed. In her world, the rules of engagement were clear, designed to safeguard her heart and mind from those who might seek to blur the lines of affection. In this dance of desire and restraint, Rehema’s strength shone brightly, guiding the hearts of those who sought to know her more deeply.
In the world of unspoken thoughts, Rehema held a captivating power, effortlessly voicing what many of us only dared to whisper. As she eloquently dismissed our desires, we couldn’t help but applaud her boldness. Our initial intentions seemed clear: to win her affection, to claim her as the prize. Despite the standards and principles she upheld, it was a game familiar to us, where many found themselves at the summit, only for time to eventually change the game. Yet, for those who played their cards wisely, age could become a graceful ally, turning milestones like weddings into celebrations of love and commitment.
Rehema, with her stunning beauty, was the epitome of allure, yet sightings of her arm-in-arm with a man were conspicuously absent. Whispers swirled—rumors of a police officer, a marine, and even a distant lover rumored to return from afar to claim her heart. What were her thoughts on marriage and the role of a wife? She boldly declared she was no one’s servant, stating that the responsibilities should be equally shared. Our initial shock soon gave way to acceptance as we grew accustomed to her unconventional tune. The volume of her declaration softened, and our curiosity waned, as we began to question whether the standards she set were truly the ones she lived by.
Over time, reality gently but inexorably began to shape Rehema’s path. The steadfast principles and high standards she once upheld seemed to slip away, swept aside by life’s unpredictable currents. Her voice, which had once been so clear and confident, now carried the weight of uncertainty, hinting at the crises brewing beneath her composed exterior. The assured steps that once marked her presence began to falter, revealing the vulnerability that circumstances often bring.
The once meticulously styled wigs and weaves, symbols of her sophisticated allure, gave way to a more natural, exposed look as the restraints of affluence eased. In this unadorned state, the contours of her head, unmasked by the luxury of weekly coiffures, told a new, unedited story of her journey. As the ideal met the real, Rehema’s path, while perhaps not as she had envisioned, revealed the beauty in authenticity and the courage it takes to face life’s evolving challenges.
As I watched Rehema laboring over the laundry, a heavy weight settled in my chest. I couldn’t help but wonder why she had spent a decade striving to attain a status that seemed to serve others more than herself. It was as if she had become a prisoner to a role she hadn’t chosen, caught in the relentless cycle of work that offered little in return.

Twice a week, she dedicated hours to washing for a preacher, a lady who had three daughters perfectly capable of handling such tasks. After the laundry, her day wasn’t over. She moved on to cleaning utensils, dusting the seats, and mopping the floors, each chore peeling away a bit more of her spirit. It struck me as heartbreaking that Rehema, with all her potential, was being exploited by a stranger rather than choosing to spend her time on pursuits that would nourish her soul and bring her joy.
What was the worth of this exploitation? The pay, if it could even be called that, seemed meager compared to the cost of her time and dignity. Watching her, I felt a deep sense of sorrow, lamenting the path she had taken, a path that seemed to diminish rather than uplift her spirit.
Rehema had once been the subject of fervent prayers after she dedicated herself to the preacher’s household chores. The exorcisms followed, with daily sessions where Rehema would weep and wail, her body trembling uncontrollably, her voice at times uttering the desires of the spirits within her.
In the beginning, the prayers were a constant, a sacred ritual that promised liberation and a path to a purified spirit. Rehema’s lofty standards seemed to dictate that a suitable man would be the key to her future—a partner who would share her ideals and aspirations.
However, recently, the prayer sessions had dwindled, overshadowed by her increasingly frequent assignments around the preacher’s home. The men she had once viewed as potential partners seemed to transform into new demons, haunting her every move. Perhaps she had lost hope in finding the right companion, or maybe the preacher had convinced her that remaining single, devoted to the LORD’s work, was her true calling.
No one dared to oppose the sacred work of the LORD, yet the beauty we once admired in her, the allure that had captivated us, began to lose its luster. The fantasies that once danced in our minds were now mere shadows, replaced by the stark reality of her new role.

© 2024 Marisian.

#RehemaJourney, #StrengthInAdversity, #UnspokenRealities, #LifeTransitions, #BeautyInAuthenticity, #ExploitationAndEmpowerment, #RealLifeChallenges, #FacingTheTruth, #FromIdealToReality, #PersonalEvolution

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